creating today feb 07 2020
creating today oct 02 2016
It is the province of knowledge to speak and it is the privilege of wisdom to listen.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes
creating attentiveness, insights and kindness...
letting go into noticing another's greatness; how will I newly listen today?
peace, love and joy...
creating today sep 16 2016
Embrace fear, insecurity and uncertainty as the doorways of opportunity that they are.
- Jenny Blake
creating courage, sanctuary and confidence...
letting go into stepping outside the box; is there willingness to create a life I love today?
peace, love and joy...
creating today sep 03 2016
If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.
- Mother Teresa
creating relatability, connections and empathy...
letting go into harmony; will kindred spirits be nurtured today?
peace, love and joy...
creating today jul 06 2016
Let parents bequeath to their children not riches, but the spirit of reverence.
- Plato
creating honor, loyalty and high regard...
letting go into cherishing; what will be looked at with fresh eyes today?
peace, love and joy...
creating today jun 23 2016
Consider the hour-glass; there is nothing to be accomplished by rattling or shaking; you have to wait patiently until the sand, grain by grain, has run from one funnel into the other.
- John Christian Morgenstern
creating patience, perseverance and tolerance...
letting go into flowing; will grace and ease be practiced mindfully today?
peace, love and joy...
creating today jun 17 2016
Don't be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of.
- Charles Richards
creating purpose, intent and creativity...
letting go into new realms; where is action needed today?
peace, love and joy...
creating today may 08 2016
Mama was my greatest teacher, a teacher of compassion, love and fearlessness. If love is sweet as a flower, then my mother is that sweet flower of love.
- Stevie Wonder
creating appreciation, tenderness and love expressed fully;
letting go into joy; how will today be celebrated newly?
peace, love and joy...
creating today apr 20 2016
The fool wonders, the wise man asks.
- Benjamin Disraeli
creating inquiry, challenge and equanimity...
letting go into patience; what new questions will be asked today?
peace, love and joy...
creating today apr 18 2016
Photography helps people to see.
- Berenice Abbott
creating attentiveness, distinctions and impartiality...
letting go into discovery; will I revel in learning today?
peace, love and joy...
creating today mar 30 2016
What is art but a way of seeing?
- Saul Bellow
creating awareness, attentiveness and fresh perspectives...
letting go into being observant; will any judgements automatically made be released today?
peace, love and joy...
creating today mar 08 2016
The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.
- Bertrand Russell
creating savor, delight and absorb...
letting go into blessings; how will the benefits be reaped today?
peace, love and joy...
creating today feb 27 2016
Joys divided are increased.
- Josiah Gilbert Holland
creating abundance, endow and share...
letting go into contribution; which gifts will be shared for no reason today?
peace, love and joy...
creating today feb 26 2016
A grownup is a child with layers on.
- Woody Harrelson
creating uncovering, freshness and wonder...
letting go into beginner's mind; will preconceptions evaporate today?
peace, love and joy...
creating today feb 03 2016
The first duty of love is to listen.
- Paul Tillich
creating attentiveness, observation and no judgment...
letting go into receiving; what will be heard newly today?
peace, love and joy...
creating today jan 15 2016
Listen once in a while. It's amazing what you can hear.
- Russell Baker
creating tuning in, stillness and receptivity...
letting go into hearing fully; what will be heard newly today?
peace, love and joy...
creating today jan 11 2016
We've got this gift of love, but love is like a precious plant. You can't just accept it and leave it in the cupboard or just think it's going to get on by itself. You've got to keep watering it. You've got to really look after it and nurture it.
- John Lennon
creating attentiveness, responsiveness and open arms...
letting go into nourishing; am I willing to ask what another needs today?
peace, love and joy...
creating today dec 10 2015
The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life.
- William Morris
creating capacity, embrace and wonder...
letting go into embody; what will be newly discovered in my daily routine today?
peace, love and joy...
creating today oct 16 2015
What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable.
- Joseph Addison
creating brightness, warmth and congeniality...
letting go into charisma; what gifts will be generously given to others today?
peace, love and joy...